AVENTICS Series 881 - Electronic Timers

Series 881 - Electronic Timers

AVENTICS Series 881 Electronic Timers are pneumatic components that are used to control the flow of fluids, gases, or other media in a pneumatic system based on timing intervals. These timers are typically used in industrial and commercial settings, where they are used to control the flow of media in a variety of applications.

AVENTICS Electronic Timers are made with high-quality materials and are built to last, ensuring that they will provide reliable performance for many years to come. They are easy to install and maintain, and offer smooth and reliable operation.

These electronic timers are designed to initiate the operation of a solenoid valve or other pneumatic component for a specified time interval at regular, adjustable intervals. They are particularly well-suited for use in applications such as the automatic control of the draining of an air dryer or compressor, irrigation, and air blasting.

AVENTICS Series 881 Electronic Timers are an essential component of any system that requires the control of media flow based on timing intervals, and are an important part of the proper operation and maintenance of industrial and commercial equipment.

Showing the single result

Part Number
    EMERSON ASCO 88122627 – ISO 4400, IP65, With Auxiliary Manual Control, Series 881 Electronic Digital Timers
    Part Nº :
    EMERSON ASCO 88122627 – ISO 4400, IP65, With Auxiliary Manual Control, Series 881 Electronic Digital Timers
    PDF Specification: